HORUS CyclicDaemon

m e r c h a n d i s e





Dear friends,

in respect of many requests we have decided to offer you in this section a new stuff.

We would like to provide you with T-SHIRTS having designs of our most successful releases.

The first ones are designed according to our most successful releases:

 K. MEIZTER's Travelling Light.
 MUSTERION's The Black Lodge.

Then we hope to give you more pleasure by issuing t-shirt with picture of our blesséd compilation - AL: 100th ANNIVERSARY (Aleister Crowley).

Choose responsibly your t-shirt size and order by e-mail using address presented here.


Payment methods

Pay by PayPal

Order by e-mail, please.

1. TRAVELLING LIGHT > double-sided design

sizes: L, XL (100 % cotton, dark green, 195g/m2)
price: 12 EUR (shipping incl.)
available by February 3rd, 2007
2. MUSTERION > one-side design

sizes: L, XL (100 % cotton, black, 195g/m2)
price: 14 EUR (shipping incl.)
available by February 3rd, 2007
3. AL: 100th ANNIVERSARY (Aleister Crowley) > design
being prepared





Martin Mrskos
HORUS CyclicDaemon
Udolni 46
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic