Nu Faces in ElectroniCulture® | |||
Nu Faces in ElectroniCulture®
project shall open new possibilities for young & unknown sonic artists
who dedicate all their effort to our Great Goddess... |
The unveiling of the company of heaven. |
HORUS CyclicDaemon | |||
Distribution | |||
HCD NFIEC 01 (2003)
- Alexandr Blok, I'm Hamlet Now...
"The Hamlet who dies at the end is a very
different man from the one we see, isolated in black, in the opening scenes
of the play. You might argue that he is a lesser man; I didn't concern
myself with that. What is unarguable, I think, is that he is a different one.
The traumatic events he has gone through have effected a violent change."
Hamlet Now
This music was the part of visual & dance
To be
released in December 2003. |
We answer all emails and phone
calls where possible. |
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Updated ~ 15/07/2003 |