19 Mar 2009

SILENCE & STRENGTH: The CD sleeve is done!

Silence & Strength: Das Haus zur letzten Latern - A Tribute to Gustav Meyrink
Look at the fine sleeve that is already printed as well as the booklet and the envelope.
A CD-sleeve and an envelope is made of  Alezan Cro 300g, a booklet of Eko 200g.

The completing is now under process.

With a bit of stretcher we would say the release shall be done on Solstitium Aestatis!

7 Mar 2009

SILENCE & STRENGTH: We have received the disc from the pressing factory!

Silence & Strength: Das Haus zur letzten Latern - A Tribute to Gustav Meyrink 
The great news: today we have received the pressed CD of the new album from the pressing factory.
It has the stunning disc artwork by John Coulthart & I wish you could listen to the music! 

The mastering done by iSoundwave (Tel-Aviv, Israel) is really superb! The sound is absolutely clear & crystal-like, dynamics keeps all sonic colours at high quality sound level.
Printing is also in a progress so that we expect to get finalised opus in the end of March.

Have a (high resolution) look on the disc by clicking on the picture.