John Coulthart has put a marvellous face to Chaoticum 1st album!
Somebody peers through a window into thy soul. Each night thou must pass along a myriad of gaol doors, as begging hands stretch forth to catch thy form, to overtake thine most profound being.
Beware of putting thy hand to any of these tortured souls, lest they leap through thy open will-window in this, thy life, and thou shall be lost forever, cursed into living another's EXIsTence.
Forget not, thou art the whole age, as some Slavic languages reveal the etymology of the word human to be. That is to say, eternity is fixed into thee and thou hast delved into the Divine Spark, that imperishable glimmer coming of ineffable darkness, falling into the arms of Man.
This release was an outstanding coalescing of ideas, a tuning and re-tuning of the look and the feel, until the chemical marriage has been completed, and the alchemical fusion begets the birth of something truly spectacular. Now, the release is nigh to its design finishing.
Keep watch for the quiet stalking of strangers amongst thy inner folds!
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