Poslech tohoto alba je v mnohém výjimečnou záležitostí. Leckoho možná napadne, jaký je to kontrast k nahrávkám mnoha známějších interpretů,…
A review from Black Magazin (Früjahr 2003)
Aus Nord-Siberien habe ich, glaube ich, noch nie eine CD in den Händen gehalten, geschweige denn rezensiert. Es gibt halt…
A review from Funprox Review (May 2003)
I’m not hearing Russian music daily, but the artists that I’ve come across so far are usually to my liking.…
A review from Sonic Curiosity (May 2004)
The Wonderment of Roricat This CD from 2002 features 72 minutes of superbly crafted electronic music. Roricat is a Russian…
A review from Hard Wired (January 2003)
Being one of the lesser known acts that Side Line magazine have often singled out and acknowledged their talents alongside…
A review from Side-Line Music Magazine (August/September 2001)
This Morn‘ Omina is probably one of the less known and recognised talents of the Belgian scene. After the primitive-tribal…